5pcs LilyPad Pixel Board RGB WS2812

5pcs LilyPad Pixel Board RGB WS2812
This RGB pixel board features WS1282 RGB LED with a built-in WS2811 built in right into the LED. These breakouts can be chained together to form a display.

SKU: CJM35748510192,WUM530806233895,WUM520322846470

Price: 1.85 $

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This RGB pixel board features WS1282 RGB LED with a built-in WS2811 built in right into the LED. These breakouts can be chained together to form a display.


  • Supply: 4 V to 7 V
  • A maximum luminance LED to consumption: 60 mA
  • + Is the power supply pin; ideal 5 V
  • - Pin table is 0 V
  • DI is the input pin of a microprocessor or other WS2812
  • DO is the output pin can be connected to the input of another WS2812 or left in the air where the last of the string.
